Acupuncture, as a term, is very popular as most people have probably encountered it on their favorite television shows, in newspapers, and maybe even through the internet. The common perception of acupuncture is that it is a painful process that involves having to poke through the patient’s skin with long and scary looking needles. Though there is a little bit of truth to this perception, the practice of acupuncture is not limited to only this. In fact, acupuncture is much more than what people perceive it to be.
In order to fully understand how acupuncture works, one has to be able to grasp the idea of acupuncture itself. First off, one should realize that the term acupuncture does not necessarily refer to only one procedure. It actually refers to a whole family of procedures used to stimulate points in the body.
The most common process of acupuncture is the one that involves the penetration of the skin with long, metallic needles. This procedure is done by a qualified acupuncturist or practitioner. At times, this procedure may also be done through electrical stimulation.
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years. The Chinese were the first to practice it. They believed that the body comprised of two contrasting yet inseparable forces called yin and yang. The balance of the forces would determine the body’s overall health. A disease would mean that the body’s forces are imbalanced and the flow of the body’s “qi” (vital energy) along meridians (pathways) has been blocked. This is where acupuncture comes in.
Acupuncture cleverly targets certain bodily points and stimulates them. The most popular acupuncture procedure makes use of long metallic needles to do so. These needles stimulate the points and eliminate the blockages that stagnates the qi in our body. When our qi is flowing again, the balance of yin and yang is restored and the body becomes healthy again. This is just the main idea on how acupuncture works.
When you first try out acupuncture, you should expect the practitioner to ask you a few important questions regarding your health conditions, behaviors and lifestyle. He does this so he could diagnose you accordingly. You should help him by informing him about all the treatments or medications you are currently taking as well as the medical conditions you are suffering from.
You have most likely pictured acupuncture to be a painful process but that is not at all true—if you are in the hands of a qualified practitioner, that is. If you are situated in Illinois, you can find good acupuncturists in Bradley. You may also want to try out acupuncture in Bourbonnais or avail of the discount acupuncture in Kankakee County.
Most people would feel none to minimal pain as the needles are inserted into their skin. Some find acupuncture energizing while some find it relaxing. Effective Acupiuncture treatment will not just end after one session, however. It may even take a period of several weeks or months to finish.