Q) For the past 5 years I have noticed when I wake up in the morning I get extremely dizzy. It feels like the entire room is spinning. Its a little scary but lasts only a couple of minutes then goes away. I have been to my primary medical doctor and other specialists in the past. They take my blood work which they tell me is normal then give me medication. The medications they gave me doesn’t seem to be doing anything except making me tired all the time. Some of my friends have been treated by a Chiropractic Neurologist with great results. How does a Doctor of Chiropractic Neurology fix vertigo?
A) Vertigo is a common problem, especially in the elderly or after a head or neck trauma. Vertigo is a sense of dizziness or spinning, sometimes associated with symptoms such as nausea, vomiting and sweating.
It can have many causes and in most cases is a treatable condition. The treatment used obviously depends on the cause which is why chiropractic neurologist Dr. Matthew Hoffman will do a thorough examination when you first come in for treatment.
One of the most common causes of vertigo and dizziness is Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV), also called Benign Vertigo or Positional Vertigo.
There are other, more serious, causes of vertigo such as stroke, tumors, anemia, heart problems and neurological diseases such as MS, which is why Dr. Hoffman performs and extensive neurological examination.
The inner ear contains fluid that allows the brain to sense movement along with a nerve plexus in the neck to maintain balance. The cause of BPPV is a dislodgement of small calcium carbonate crystals, known as otoconia, which then float in the inner ear fluid. These crystals strike against the sensitive nerve endings and cause the symptoms of BPPV.
Normally BPPV is misdiagnosed and treated with drugs, such as Stemetil and Compazine (prochlorperazine), a sedative, which has many serious side affects and does not address the cause.
A Chiropractor can form diagnosis and deliver the right treatment, which can help you get rid of this disabling condition, and quickly.
The condition is treated by certain repositioning maneuvers and spinal adjustments. Dr. Hoffman is trained to perform these maneuvers , which are a simple and well-tolerated technique that will cure BPPV in the majority of patients.
Dr. Hoffman will move you into specific positions to move the otoconia where they wont cause further symptoms. This maneuver combined with cervical(neck) manipulations to realign the nerve messages properly, is an extremely affective means of alleviating the vertigo.