Your neck, also known as your cervical spine, starts at the base of your skull, it has seven little vertebrae. The cervical spine supports a person’s head, it allows us to move our head almost every direction. Since, the cervical spine can move so easily about, this type of flexibility makes it susceptible to pain, stiffness and injury. Neck pain can cause a person problems if it is not properly treated thus making it hard for the person to live a fulfilling life.
There are several reasons why you might experience pain or stiffness in your neck including:
Car Accident
Sports Injury
Extended Sitting
Blows To Your Head or Neck
Everyday Wear and Tear
Bad Posture
These are only a few reasons why a person might be having pain in their neck area, if you are experiencing neck pain or stiffness the best coarse of action is to seek the help of a Chiropractor.
One of the first things a Chiropractor will do when you seek help from them for neck pain and stiffness is an exam. This way they can see where you feel pain and try to figure out why you are feeling the pain.
You can also expect to be asked questions regarding your pain, a few of these questions are:
When did you first start feeling pain in your neck?
Have you done or taken any medications for your neck pain?
Does anything you do make the pain feel better or worse?
In addition to answering questions you can expect the Chiropractor to do a physical exam. A few things that you will happen during your exam are:
The Chiropractor will check your posture.
The Chiropractor will check range of motion.
The Chiropractor will check your overall physical condition.
After a physical exam is done, the Chiropractor might also send you for tests and/or lab work. Remember all cases are different and treated individually so your particular exam could be somewhat different from another person’s exam.
It is hard to deal with neck pain and stiffness so why not let the kind people at Hoffman Chiropratic help you handle your pain. Go ahead, make the call today(815)937-0446 or visit our Chiropractic Office in Kankakee Count to get non-invasive neck pain treatment. Start living a happy and fulfilling life. let Hoffman Chiropractic help you today.